What’s stopping you from returning to the true you?

Fear of the unknown?

Fear of not doing it “right”?

Fear of doing it different?

Fear of rejection and loss

I understand. Truly! There have been times that fear had such a tight grip on my being I didn’t ever think I would allow her to truly return.

And sometimes that fear still tries to regain control of the reigns.

But friends, believe me when I tell you that telling that fear to F@?! OFF is worth it!

Some people may fall away. Your world might look different.

But, when we let our soul guide us it never guides us wrong!

New people come in who align with our true selves!

New opportunities!

A year ago, if you would have told me I would no longer be working my corporate gig, and building a business on what made my heart sing, AND surrounded by so many new souls who do nothing but love and encourage this true me…. I would have thought that was just a nice dream!

But my dream is coming true!

How have I done this??

I kindly thanked fear for protecting me all those years… and then told her she was no longer able to drive. She could ride in the backseat, if needed, but no backseat driving allowed! (Note, she does still need the occasional reminder to hush!

So my friends…. What’s truly stopping you from returning to the true you

What IF the fear was wrong…. And following your heart WAS the right answer?

What would you do if you couldn’t fail???

#limitless #gratitude #growthmindset #selflove #selfacceptance #spiritualcoaching #soul #reiki #mindfulness #meditation #compassion #healing #transformation #taketheleap #selfcare #humandesign #coaching #IAmEnough #IAmWorthy #warriorofthesoul #wecandohardthings #onedayatatime #coaching #atomichabits #authenticity #love #humandesigncoach #transformationalcoaching