Saying NO to Saying Yes

Saying NO to Saying YesI’m riding in the car this morning, watching the sunrise, on our way back home from a beautiful week in Colorado. This week will be a beautiful memory in my heart not just for this lifetime, but many more to come.

Ten years ago I rarely made time like this a priority. Honestly, when I reflect back on many periods of life, I was so focused on things that brought me very little joy.

I didn’t know how to say no. Hell, I didn’t know I could say no. I was so worried about letting people down. Needing to be liked. Needing their approval.

We are trained very young to build a life based on others approval. Approval of our parents, our faith, our friends, our cultures, our employers, and many more sources. It’s impossible to meet the expectation. When we are constantly seeking outside approval, it is nearly impossible to hear ourselves.

Taking the time this week to simply be, with people I love and Mother Earth, wasn’t an easy decision to make. I felt a lot of guilt leaving for a week. I had a lot of internal dialogue about what I should be doing and who needed my attention. I had to question and ask if that was conditioning speaking or my soul. How crazy is it that I had to question if time with people I love was a good decision?

I am thankful I’ve come to a point where I have learned the power of boundaries. The power of saying no to what isn’t meant for me

I’m thankful I’ve learned the power of saying no because it has opened up space to say yes to what does feed my soul

Saying no to what the world told me was important allowed me to say yes to time with those I love.

Saying no to what the world told me was important allowed me to deepen my relationship with Gaia.

Saying no to what the world told me was important allowed me to focus on what my heart knew WAS important for me.

Saying no to what the world told me was important brought me pure joy!

What can you say no to today to allow space for tour heart to say yes and create your own joy?